Teacher development
This paper examines the professional learning opportunities for English teaching teachers under the National Foreign Language Project 2020 in Vietnam. The paper starts with a review of literature on multiple Engligh language education reforms in Vietnam, multiple policy strategies under Project 2020, especially professional development programs for teachers, and the failures in policy implementation. Using the seven elements of effective professional development by Darling-Hammond et al. (2017) as a conceptual framework, the paper explores different empericial studies on teachers’ reports and perspective about received training. The paper proposes a more systematic approach to professional development for teachers, tackling multiple levels of education reforms.
Key words: Professional Development, Project 2020, Vietnam
Growth Mindset
Nguyen, N.D.H. (2020). Embracing the Growth Mindset in the Classroom. English Teaching Forum, 58(1).
This teaching article stemmed from my diverse teaching experience with students across backgrounds both in Vietnam and Hong Kong; and my research interest in nurturing autonomy, self-awareness, and resilience for students. It presents a lesson plan to nurture the Growth Mindset - the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work - in the classroom.
Dual Language
Nguyen, N.D.H. (2022). My classroom: Seattle, Washington. English Teaching Forum, 60(2). https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/60_2_pg39-43.pdf
Entering Irene Thanh Pham’s classroom, you would understand how the essences of Vietnamese and American cultures could intertwine at school. The classroom is vibrant with a student writing showcase, a quote in English from Martin Luther King, Jr. with an equivalent Vietnamese proverb on the wall, and a corner dedicated to books in both languages. Despite such a diverse dynamic, one unified theme underlies every aspect: identity awareness and educational equity under the form of languages and content mastery
Quality Assurance for Higher Education
Pham, H.T., & Nguyen, N.D.H. (2020). The Impact of Quality Assurance by AUN-QA Standards in the Vietnamese higher education: a Case Study. Journal of Education Science, 16. University of Education in HCMC.
Abstract: Currently, the AUN-QA curriculum evaluation standards are used the most by universities in Vietnam. This study examined the impact of evaluating study programmes using AUN-QA criteria at a higher education institution in Ho Chi Minh City. Research results show that students’ requests and the internal quality assurance system help improve teaching and learning methods, student assessment, and the development of the investigated program. It can be concluded that the internal quality assurance system contributed to positive changes observed at that university, partly helping to improve the quality of the study program.
Internal Quality Assurance for Higher Education
Under Review:
Pham, H. T, Nguyen, V. P, & Nguyen, N.D.H. (2021). IQA models: an introductory literature review and suggestions for developing an IQA model for Vietnamese higher education.
Abstract: Although being discussed widely at various levels of quality assurance networks in higher education worldwide, internal quality assurance (IQA) is perhaps still an abstract concept easy to discuss but difficult to develop. This paper aims at reviewing IQA models issued at various levels as well as reviewing studies related to IQA systems for best practices and suggestions for developing effective IQA. Based on the introductory review, this paper also aims at suggesting an IQA model for the Vietnamese higher education system. The review indicates that IQA is part of a QA framework and has been formalised in some countries, resulting in fulfilling accountability purposes rather than claimed improvement purposes. For Vietnam higher education, IQA model is suggested to complete one component of the Vietnam QA framework, yet the implementation requires contextualisation.
Key words: introductory review, IQA, compliance and accountability, quality culture, Vietnam
​Link: shorturl.at/dpI37